HOWTO: Wireless Data CardsHOWTO:
Wireless Data Cards
These instructions will walk you through the process, step-by-step, of configuring the Novatel Merlin 620 EV-DO CDMA Wireless Data Card and other similar models.
Note: This tutorial assumes that you are using Ubuntu with the GNOME Desktop Environment.
In most cases, activation of your wireless data card is either done by a representative of your wireless provider, or must be done using the included software on a Microsoft® Windows®-based operating system. Refer to the installation instructions included with your hardware for more information.
Once you have completed the activation of your product, you are ready to begin configuring the wireless card for use in Linux.
Getting Started
( This part only works on Feisty Fawn)
We must start the process of configuring your data card by first gathering some very important information that Ubuntu will need in order to utilize the hardware properly. Be sure that, at this point, you have the card removed from the PCMIA slot on your notebook before beginning.
Open a terminal window and execute the following command:
cat /proc/bus/usb/devices > devices
Now insert your data card into the PCMIA slot and wait for a few seconds before continuing.
In the terminal window again, type the following and press ENTER:
diff /proc/bus/usb/devices devices | grep Vendor
You should see some output that looks like the following:
diff /proc/bus/usb/devices devices | grep Vendor
< P: Vendor=0000 ProdID=0000 Rev= 2.06
< P: Vendor=0000 ProdID=0000 Rev= 2.06
< P: Vendor=1410 ProdID=1110 Rev= 0.00
Inspecting the output, you will find two key pieces of information necessary for configuration of your data card: the Vendor and the ProdID.
Now, in the terminal, execute the following command:
sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x1410 product=0x1110 ( Gutsy upwards can start here )
Be sure to use your own Vendor and ProdID variables here.
Your wireless card should now be properly configured, and we can now move on to the next step of the process.
Configuration Script
Next, we need to edit the configuration script in order to get the data card communicating with the outside world.
Issue the following command and press ENTER:
gksu gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
Copy and paste the following code into the file, replacing the existing contents:
[Dialer Defaults]
Stupid Mode = on
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Baud = 921600
Init = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Phone = #777
Username = [email protected]
Password = XXXXXX
Init1 = ATZ
ISDN = 0
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Auto Reconnect = on
Carrier Check = no
[Dialer shh]
Init3 = ATM0
[Dialer pulse]
Dial Command = ATDP
In the above script, you will need to change a few pieces of information. First, you will need to replace “[email protected]” with the 10-digit phone number and provider domain assigned to your data card. (For example: [email protected]). Lastly, change the password to the one supplied to you by your provider. This password is normally referred to as an MTL or PIN number and is typically 6 digits long, but may vary depending on your provider. If you are unsure of what values to enter here, contact your service provider
Testing the Connection
The card has been configured, our script should be in order, and we should now be ready to test our connection to ensure that it is working properly.
In the terminal window, use the following command:
sudo wvdial
If the connection works, you will receive output in the terminal window similar to the following:
Automatically Connecting at Startup
The final step is to get the connection to automatically initialize when the system starts up so that it will be available for use nearly instantaneously.
Navigate to System > Preferences > Sessions in GNOME. Next, click on the tab labeled, “Startup Programs” and then click the “Add” button. In the Startup Command field, enter “wvdial” and then click “OK”.
You should now be fully ready to utilize your data card in Linux without complication.
If you have Problem connecting through this method please give me a call
This has been confirmed to work well with Reltel wireless ***Novatel Merlin 620 EV-DO CDMA Wireless Data Card ***
Bigbrovar-08022982697 Nigeria Residence only
Next, open your terminal and type the following commands:
sudo tail -f /var/log/messages
This will enable you see what is happening on your system.
Next insert the EVDO card into your laptop. You will see
that the system display information about your card. Note,
You will see two mount points. Don’t worry if you do not
know the mount point to use.
Next open another terminal and type:
sudo wvdialconf
this will automatically probe your card and give
the mount point and speed. Next type
sudo wvdial
Linux will try to connect using the default setting written by the last command.
It show you invalid user name, password and phone number. No problem.
Next, type
sudo pppconfig
this will open a window that you will fill. Don’t forget to delete
pre-filled information and replace them with your own information.
eg replace provider name with your own provider name.
Remember to copy the last line of the wvdialconf command
output. Use the best recommended speed. Ok. Other info are
phone number: #777
userName: card [email protected]
password: card number
Be sure to confirm from your provider. This information is for reltel users.
Your mount point or port should /dev/ttyUSB0
When you are through with this, save and exit.
And finally connect with this command,
pon provider name
watch the log terminal, you should see the you system, pry and secondary IP addresses displayed.
Note: do not forget to select DHCP from the pppconfig window.
open your web browser and hurry, you are up with your new connection.
To disconnect
poff provider name
Enjoy it. Linux is the freedom of choice.
Need help feel free to post